Monday, July 11, 2016

Views And Opinions


     "Like Talking To A Brick Wall"

Like most Americans, I have been drawn into this political year. I have found myself fascinated with this drama worthy of an Emmy for "Soap Opera of the Year."

Most characters in this poorly written saga equally dispatched the sleaze. One of the more charming components of this street fight to the presidency is that one of the combatants is directing their assault and insults at their own party, which is now referring to him, their presumptive nominee, as unfit for office. The flip side of that coin, which is a lead penny, could very well be indicted for one of many investigations and charges by the FBI and the United States government for illegal activities.

You can almost visualize the sulking and grumblings crescendoing into a scream affixed to a temper tantrum.

"It's my turn!...THEY promised I would be Queen!...I WANNA BE THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT!"

Another alluring aspect of this political race is the number of entertainers embracing the process by articulating their preferences whenever possible. I find it intriguing, yet provocative, that most of these celebrities seem to all vote for the same people. I cannot imagine how this phenomenon has eluded me. Now that I am aware of luminaries using the forums celebrity affords them, I am engrossed and hanging on their every word. Unfortunately, these theatrical lemmings appear to be reading from the same script! 

Surprisingly, I recently found myself experiencing some uncomfortability listening to the aforementioned, high profile individuals expressing what appeared to be intolerant, PC-driven views and opinions. Of course, WE THE PEOPLE are encouraged to take advantage of our First Amendment--our right to free speech--by verbalizing and/or writing about our thoughts and convictions. Furthermore, no one should be penalized because of their occupation.

Since the average citizen does not have the opportunity to avail themselves of the media--vis-à-vis radio, TV, movies, newspapers, or online press--it might become tedious being exposed to a cornucopia of close-minded, disingenuous celebrities whose speech vigorously insults anyone who has a differing point of view. In some instances, what fascinated me was the aggressive manner in which these curiosities addressed those who had the temerity not to understand how pitiful they are not to grasp the political subtleties these prominent prodigies instinctively know and, if adhered to, would guarantee that life would be peachy keen!

I was genuinely unaware I had an opinion one way or the other concerning people using their prestige to further their political agenda until I observed what I perceived as bullying. Since I have always been a bully interloper, leading to several altercations during my life, I was put off by their swaggering arrogance, as if God had ordained their quest, inevitably altering the tone of the mantra they are disseminating to one that is opinionated and obtuse.

As an observer of people, I find it fascinating when those whose livelihood requires that the general public admire, respect, and, more importantly, like them, reveal how entitled and narcissistic they can be when politics are involved, not to mention the disdain they harbor for the God-fearing, gun-toting faction of their fan base.

It is my belief with the coming elections developing into a vulgar battle of incivility that careers will be affected to such a degree that these people of fables will expose themselves as zealots--with no flexibility nor desire to understand any other doctrine but their own. 

It is a precarious, high wire act for anyone who is passionate about their beliefs to disseminate heartfelt issues with balance and candor in lieu of shouting down or astutely disparaging those who are not like-minded. Walking a wire without a pole, relying on an over-inflated sense of self as your safety net, might not go well.

If we as a society are unable to allow an opposing point of view an opportunity to discuss their convictions, we are also excluding any civil discussion conveying our ideology. Where there is no dialogue, no respect nor tolerance, ignorance and contempt thrive and learning is suffocated.

With that in mind, I will share my views and opinions within the stories I have written, both factual and fiction, in hopes of not being judged as harshly as I have judged you.



  1. You really keyed in on the need for civility in discourse, and I utterly agree. We are all political creatures, by necessity, and all different, by nature. We're going to disagree about issues - it's unavoidable. But if we try to show each other a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T (catchy song), we might be able to live peacefully. We need to bring back old time manners, dust off Emily Post!

  2. Well done, Chuck. I remember when Barbara Streisand said she would leave the country if Bill Clinton was not elected. I did not respect her much after that for using her celebrity status in that manner. Again, very nicely written.

    1. PS This seems to be one of the most hateful elections dividing people. It should not be thst way.

  3. Opinion is just that, opinion. There is no right or wrong. I do have to wonder if any of these celebs were paid to choose a side.

    1. I fully believe that Trump has duped the Republican party by running as a paid opponent for Hillary. He is perfect for the part. No offense, but how could you have not noticed the celeb endorsements. They've been doing this for years. The White House is always entertaining an entertainer.

  4. Well said, Chuck! This presidential election campaign is something like I've never seen before. The insults back and forth are so unprofessional. Its embarrassing for this country. Can't picture any other country talking about the size of people's ears, hands, private parts, during a speech or debate or any other forum. Celebrities seem to all be for one party and are very vocal about it and get very upset if someone doesn't agree with them on any issue. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Good job, keep blogging!!

  5. We as a society are doomed.
    Well written.

  6. We must stop separating ourselves! I hope you do not judge me to harshly Chuck! I so adore you and how you can be very open minded....

  7. Very well written article Chuck! As Three Dog Night and you summed it up in your song "Easy To Be Hard."

  8. Well seems as though we don't know how to be civil anymore and you are so right, if someones view is different than theirs then there is absolutely no tolerance to that opinion. God help us

  9. So articulately said. I really enjoyed this read!

  10. You rock and pen well Chuck. You are articulate but do so in an engaging manner. Keep it up, musically and by word of pen.

  11. I am so glad someone I respect put it all together in an ingenious way that I cannot but so desperatley want to. I refer to this election time the "Jerry Springer Fest" and quite frankly am embarrassed for our country that ...oh forget it ...there are no words. Thanks, Chuck.

  12. I agree with everything you said chuck.i cant remember when this world started spinning out of control. I feel badly for the children of the future.

  13. Well said Chuck, I for one cannot even talk about the upcoming election. It is something that I believe is going to haunt us for the next four years no matter which way it goes.

  14. Chuck,
    Having grown up in New York City in 1960's, I feel we not only got a great education in public schools but we had common sense as well as street smarts. Personally, I think this country is doomed if Hillary becomes President. She takes us for fools, but not this street smart 60's kid.
    Love you Chuck. Last month saw you in New York in "Happy Together" tour. Take care of yourself...till next year's tour, all the best! Diana

  15. Chuck,
    Having grown up in New York City in 1960's, I feel we not only got a great education in public schools but we had common sense as well as street smarts. Personally, I think this country is doomed if Hillary becomes President. She takes us for fools, but not this street smart 60's kid.
    Love you Chuck. Last month saw you in New York in "Happy Together" tour. Take care of yourself...till next year's tour, all the best! Diana

  16. Chuck, you never fail too surprise me. This is an inciteful, well written post

    For the first 13 years of my life I looked up to big athletic popular kid who slept a few feet on the other side of my bedroom wall in apartment 4E.I always had a crush on Nancy and Betty.

    I never knew how intelligent you were.
